Sunday, February 29, 2004

Room-mate Revealed!

Feb 29, 2004 10:06 am (Nagoya)
Feb 28, 2004 8:06 pm (Ottawa)

I just met my room-mate, he seems like a nice guy. He let me borrow his cell phone to call home. Unfortunately my mother was out, but at least I got to leave a message.
He's gone back to sleep now, and I'm waiting for the rain to stop before going to pick up Michelle. Afterall, visiting a castle is fun, but visiting a castle without getting wet is even better.
Besides there is some kind of Morning Musume special on T.V. Goto Maki is on it. I'm very amused.

"Goto Maki-san wa kirei desu."

Study Study Study

Feb 29, 2004 7:12am (Nagoya)
Feb 28, 2004 5:12pm (Ottawa)

I spent yesterday with Michelle and her new room-mate Leisha.
We deided to explore Nagoya by subway. It cost 740 yen for an all-day pass, and we definately got our money's worth.
Our first stop was at a Shinto shrine where they have an open air market on the 28th of every month. It was interesting to see the kinds of things they sell like that. Old kimonos, ancient coins, swords from every era, and lots of used cameras. There was also a lot of beautiful craftwork, mostly pottery.
This was the first place we came across more than 1 or 2 caucasian people in one area. I guess westerners are suckers for junk.
The shrine itself was great, though there was a constant line so I only got to take a few pictures, and I couldn't ring the prayer bell.
I actually saw a my first Japanese goth at the market. A very attractive Japanese womabn around 20 wearing a black Led Zepplin t-shirt with a black leather skirt, and of course black fishne-stockings. So there you have asian goth, cute too.
We did notice something interesting at the shrine, Michelle was the only one wearing bright colours. Everyone was in black or grey or beige, or at most a dark blue. An old man came up to Michelle and said something about her bright red jacket, unfortunately we couldn't understand a word of it. He spoke far too quickly for me, and I doubt I would have been much help even if he slowed down.
Our next stop was at a mall in downtown Nagoya. The mall was 12 floors, and escalators between the floors were almost as busy as our subway was.
We looked at formal Japanese clothing on the 10th floor. The saleswomen were all dressed in kimonos, so it was very interesting to see.
The 11th floor was home to the book store. It actually took up the entire floor, and it had books in every language. I ended up leaving with a bunhc of Kanji flash cards and a book called "Kana can be easy."
I recognized it right away as the same book they used in my Japanese class a few years ago to teach hiragana. I hope to learn katakana this time.
Learning more of the Japanese language is becoming more important to me every day here. I know that the Japanese people are no different than Canadian people, but I have this incessant urge to speak with them.
I saw boks on the official Japanese language test at the store. I think I'll buy one in a few months after I've learned a bit more. Afterall, half of the anime characters I've watched have been Ronin (students trying to qualify for university), I might as well join those ranks myself.
How about that Bryan? I really am anime personified!
I have a room mate now, though I haven't actually met him. He moved in while I was out at the shrine, was out when I returned, and didn't come back until I was asleep. He's asleep in the other room at the moment. Hopefully he'll wake up soon so I can meet him before I go out with Michelle and Leisha again today.
This time we're headed for Nagoya castle, and an Internet Cafe. We tried to visit Nagoya Castle yesterday, but they were closing just as we arrived.

Watashi wa nihongo o benkyo shimasu.

Market pics:
Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Shrine pics:
Picture 1

Picture 2

My books:
Picture 1

Friday, February 27, 2004

Linguistic Difficulties

Feb 27, 2004 9:18pm (Nagoya)
Feb 27, 2004 7:18 am (Ottawa)

I spoke Japanese to a perfect stranger for the first several times today. Asking for directions from people while trying to locate Michelle's apartment, and once explaining to a salesman that I only understood a little Japanese.
"Koko wa doko desu ka"
"Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu"
Michelle seemed to find the second fairly impressive, but I was frustrated by it.
After the amount of time I've spent obsessing over Japan you'd think I could understand better. It's annoying to be surrounded by people I wish to speak to, and be unable to find the words.
I received mail here today, and it makes me wonder about the last tennant. Why? Because it was a single flyer with a picture of a naked Japanese woman on it. After some reading I figured out that it was a flyer for a prostitute. Hopefully everyone got that flyer, I'd hate to think the other teacher before me was into that.
I collected little odds and ends as I wandered around the city with Michelle today. Generally ads for different products. They're funny sometimes.
Nagoya city from what I've seen so far is...schisophrenic (sp?). Buildings are so random it's confusing. You'll have an ancient looking building with a walled off courtyard with an American style modern house on one side, and a small wreck of a building that looks like an old home from Canada in the 40's that somebody allowed to go completely to pot on the other side.
The grocery store where I shopped today was equally scattered. They sold Japanese food on shelves next to Frosted Flakes, and bottles of Coke next to the beer section.
Despite everythihg I was told people do not really stare at you was you walk by here. The Japanese residents don't seem to notice the difference at all. The few caucasian people I've seen walking around are different though.
They notice instantly that you are not Japanese, and they will go out of their way to greet you. I think some of them miss having people to speak English with.
There is a whole sub-culture here dedicated to western pop-culture. At a video store Michelle and I found Japanese translations of several American television shows. ER, Buffy, Beverly Hills 90210, Ally McBeal, Dark Angel, and shelf after shelf of Hollywood movies as well.
I'm a little concerned about Michelle now. She didn't get her working visa before coming here, and she was told today that it will wake 2-6 weeks. This means she will be unable to join the rest of us in training on Monday. She didn't bring the required $2500 CAD either, so she's not sure how she's going to be able to afford to wait until her first paycheck. She may have to go to Korea instead until her Visa is ready, and even that will likely cost too much to allow her to return.
"Gambatte kudasai Michelle-san"


Feb 27, 2004 8:30 am (Nagoya)
Feb 26, 2004 6:30 pm (Ottawa)

I have just awoken after my first night in Japan. It is not the most pleasant sleep I've ever had, despite how tired I was when I went to bed.

The "bed" itself is a Japanese style futon (a mat on the floor), which is exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately there were 2 factors preventing my proper sleep.
1) The pillow is a rediculously hard bag of little pellet things. It's like trying to rest your head on a bag of gravel.
2) The heater for this apartment was apparently set to "air condition", so it was very cold.

I spent 45 mins figurig out how to turn it to the "heat" mode after waking up. So at least tonight should be better.

In a couple of hours I'm going to try to find Michelle. The apartment she was given is supposed to be walking distance from here. Unfortunately with my sense of direction I may be unable to find her. Hell, I may be unable to find home after I leave my front door.

"Koko wa doko desu ka"

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Leave Taking

And so it begins. I am currently seated aboard the first of the three flights which will eventually bring me to my new home in Japan.

The last couple of days have ben very hectic, and emotional. Last minute disasters, goodbyes, moving, and a host of other issues that all had to be crushed in at once.

My suggestion to anyone else planning to do this is to make sure everything is taken care of at least a week before you leave. It's difficult enough getting prepared withot waiting.

I spent last night at Lisa's house with her and Renuka. It was our second farewell get-together, and I still wish we could have had third. We didn't really discuss my departure much that night, which was good. It was better to just spend time together, build a couple new memories to hold onto until we're together again.

I said goodbye to my family as well this week. I will miss them horribly, but I think I'll miss my friends more. The blood of my family flows through my veins, we are connected even if I'm on the other side of the planet. They are always with me.

Renuka and Lisa are a bit different though. My oldest friends, we've been close for many years, we never really agree on how many. I knew them when I was in High School though, so it's at least 7 years.

They have been there to hear about every major event in my life for a long time.

The same is true of Bryan, another of my closest friends.

I have invited most of my friends to visit me in Japan. Thre of them even said they might. Chris, Bryan, and Lisa. Though in truth I thinnk only Chris truly may. I can hope that they all will though.

My companion on my journey to Japan today is Michelle. She sists beside me now writing in a journal as well, and if our talks thus far are any indication we may have a great deal in common.

Michelle has experience with teaching overseas, a year spent in Korea. She seems to enjoy the idea of world travel a great deal. Apparently she found the expierence in Korea quite rewarding. It should also be noted that behind her, and to the left are children sharing our flight. Based on the way she keeps playing games with them I believe she's an excellent teacher. Maybe I can get some pointers.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Grave Home

It's very quiet here now. I sit alone in my Ottawa apartment with nothing but the hum of my refridgerator to eleviate the sense of sensory deprivation.

My furnature is gone, my clothes and books gone, nothing of me will remain once Lisa and Renuka arrive to take me away.

What then will become of this place? My first apartment, it's odd to think that kid that came to see it earlier may take my place here.

Will he enjoy independence and freedom here for the first time as I did?

Much of my life in Ottawa is like this apartment now. Vacant, with no evidence of my passage other than the fading memories of my acquaitenes.

Speaking to my empty room, singing songs I do not remember the lyris to... It feels so alien here now. I wish Renuka would hurry up, I feel like my own ghost haunting this dead life.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Fate is such a jerk!

Some have doubted my claims that Fate is out to get me when it comes to this whole Japan experiene. Today I have another example of Fate's petty attempts at stopping me.

About 2 hours ago the monitor on my computer died while I was in the middle of talking to Lisa about what I'm supposed to be doing for the 2 days between when I move the furniture out of my apartment, and when I catch my flight.

Lisa offered to let me stay at her place, and what happens next? The damned computer dies. So I don't know her address, and I can't call her because my phone list is in a notepad file on my paperweight of a computer.

Not only that, I'm supposed to be traveling with this girl named Michelle...we only have contact by e-mail currently, and I haven't had a chance to make any arrangements with her....and now I can't access my e-mail.

Now, none of this will prevent me from getting to Japan, but it's still pretty tricky on Fate's part. Petty bastard.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

My Shadow

I was speaking with my friend Bryan today about an old journal I used to keep online. He asked me why I didn't transfer any of the old entries over to this journal, and why there wasn't even a link for it on this new site.

Lisa recently asked me something similar, about why I didn't like people reading the old journal.

Truth be told I don't really mind people reading the old journal. I enjoy re-reading it myself from time to time. However, I haven't included the posts here because I was a very different person back then. I don't really like being viewed like that anymore.

In many ways I'm ashamed of the person I see when I read the beginning of that old diary. Insecure, lonely, depressed, the sad shadow following behind me no matter how quickly I try to move on.

Perhaps I'm doing an injustice to my younger self though. I have grown a great deal since he and I were the same, but he'll always be a part of me. Some of the later ones actually do a lot to explain the kind of person I am.

So here is a link to my old journal entries, and I'll quote my younger self as introduction. "Don't take them too seriously, but don't dismiss them out of hand."

Monday, February 16, 2004


A friend from work has offered me free storage space on his FTP server for my pictures while I'm in Japan. That means I can add some pictures to my journal from now on. :)

Things at work are a little strange right now. I'm used to having a lot to do all the time, but because I'm leaving a lot of the things I normally do are on hold. I can't exactly work on any projects that won't be finished by Wednesday, and it generally feels pointless to involve myself in policy decisions or debates around the call centre now. Afterall, I won't be there to follow up on whatever decision is made.

I do the things that are required of me on a daily basis, and that's about it. It makes my job increadibly easy, but fairly dull.

The picture of me to the right is a little more than a year old, there's no blonde in my hair anymore. It's the best picture I have of me though ;)

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Beware the Photo Sniper!

With less than 2 full weeks to go before I leave for Japan, it suddenly seems I have a lot that needs doing. So naturally it's a Friday afternoon and I won't be able to do any of it until Monday.

I visited the Japanese embassy today only to discover that their website is lacking about half the requirements for the Working Holiday Visa. So naturally I was not as prepared as I believed I was. Not really a very big problem though, as all the remaining requirements are easily obtained.

My mother gave me a CompactFlash memory card as a going away present yesterday, because I can use those to store MP3s and other fun things on my organizer while in Japan. This is a particularly wonderful gift because I won't have a computer in Japan, and I will be using my organizer as the unreasonable facsimile. I already had a 64 MB card for the organizer, and now I've got a 128 MB card as well.

I filled the new card with my typical J-Pop music, and some stories I downloaded of the Internet. The type of stuff I generally read and listen to here in Canada while thinking about Japan.

The older card is slightly different though, I'm slowly filling it with things that will remind me of Canada. MP3s from music they play at Barrymores, and a lot of pictures of friends. I was warned by others that teach abroad that I should bring something that reminds me of home to avoid homesickness.

On my way back from the embassy I walked past the book store Lisa now works in, and decided she would be the first victim of my photo-sniping. Lisa isn't really afraid of having her picture taken (I'm pretty sure she likes it actually), but some of my friends I'm not asking before I take my photos ;)

Beware to all those that know me! I know where you live, I know where you work, I know where you eat, sleep, and play...I will get you all eventually.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Too Many Boys.

I thought of and discarded about a dozen journal entries as I walked home from Barrymores this evening. It was an interesting, and eventful night. Even sitting in front of my computer now I'm not certain which of my ideas will come out.

Let's start at the beginning shall we?

I didn't really feel like clubbing tonight, but I had spoken to Lisa earlier and she told me that her little group was going to be there. I decided that if it was a choice between sitting in front of this computer for the night, and hanging out at a night club with them, then Barrymores was likely more fun. After all, your computer can only beat you at the same game so many times before you start to wonder if it really is that much smarter than you.

I found Lisa and the others at Barrymores almost as soon as I arrived, though I didn't join them for the first half hour or so. They had a couple guys I didn't recognize with them, and I'm never big on meeting new guys.

I'm somewhat infamous for saying "men are scum", and until the last couple years I had trouble fitting in with them at all. My view has changed somewhat now, working in an environment where men outnumber women about 10 to 1 tends to force you to deal with men. Now I think it's only a certain type of guy that I despise, the ones I don't consider to actually be men.

To be a man.... Yes, it is more than an accident of birth and the growth of an awkward appendage. That just makes you male, being a man is about an attitude some males have that makes them distinct from the rest of the boys. I suppose my view amounts to sugar-coated chauvinism, but I can't escape feeling that some of the guys around me have no right to call themselves men. That's not to say they aren't wonderful people, there's nothing wrong with being a boy...just don't claim to be a man.

Anyway, the point is I get along well with men, but not with boys. If I don't know which I'm dealing with, I assume the worst and stay away.
Now back to Barrymores! Eventually I did visit Lisa's group, and talked to them for awhile off and on for the next few hours.

Once again I got hit on by a woman that was a little out of my age group, this one in her early thirties. I'm beginning to get concerned with this tendency to attract older drunk people. Is there a way to reject these women without actually physically running away? In both cases my apparent suitor physically grabbed me and forced me to dance. I'm physically stronger than they are of course, but jerking my arm out of their hand seemed like it would be cruel. I'm such a wimp.

After escaping from the swing-dancing woman on stage I fled back to the area where Lisa's friends were sitting. Apparently in my absence Lisa got flashed by a female bartender, Sam was pretty jealous.

I don't believe I've ever mentioned Tanya in this journal before, so I'd better give you a brief description so you'll understand the next part of the story.

Tanya is Sam's girlfriend, apparently they've known each other for a number of years. They make a pretty good couple from what I've seen, they seem to genuinely care about one another. It's hard to describe her personality exactly, since I've only ever seen her after she's had a fair amount to drink. I'll assume her personality drunk is similar to her sober personality though. If so then she's a very friendly and accepting person. The second time I met her (I don't remember the first, though apparently she does) she was getting hit on by some stranger. She looked like she was completely out of her element, the guy had a typical canary eating grin. She came over and talked to me, started asking me odd questions I can't quite recall, and told me to stop ignoring her when I looked away for a second to see if I could find Lisa and Sam. She had only met me once (on an occasion I didn't recall), but she was acting like we were good friends. I felt sorry for the guy who had been hitting on her, he was glaring at me like I stole the last slice of pizza.

The physical? She bears a disturbing resemblance to Rose McGowen. I'm not sure if she realizes that, though she should have noticed by now that she gets hit on at clubs more than most.

Anyway, the others went off to get something from the bar and I was left alone with Tanya. By this point she was drunk enough that she tipped over sideways and had her head resting on the shoulder of a perfect stranger. Once again I got to see that canary eating grin. He offered to buy her a drink, and when he went to the bar to get it I made of point of taking his seat. I got glared at again when he returned, but she got her drink anyway, and Sam was back by then too.

For those of you that read my old journal a few years back you'll be familiar with me referring to myself as a "guard dog". I really dislike it when guys are slimy-flirtatious with friends of mine, I tend to deliberately get in their way. Sam's friends vanished at one point, and then Sam went to dance on stage with Lisa. I hung out with Tanya from then on. She seemed to be getting progressively more drunk, even though she hadn't had anything since canary-boy gave her that last shot. I was vaguely worried that it might not have just been alcohol in that last drink. What can I say? I have next to no experience with alcohol, and an almost instinctive distrust of the male gender. Too many boys.

I stayed near Tanya for the rest of the night, bought her a bottle of water to try sobering her up, and walked them all back to the bus stop when they were going to head home.

Good night, Tanya. It was interesting getting to know you better. Don't forget to call Sam when you get home so he knows you're ok.

Good night, Lisa. Maybe I'll drop by your work in the morning to laugh at you ;)

Good night, Sam. I didn't know it was your birthday when I arrived, hopefully you had a good time. You're right, she definately needs to eat more than a banana muffin before clubbing *laugh*

It was a very interesting night. I had originally thought this might be my last trip to Barrymores before going to Japan, but I've been going to that club for 6 years, and I don't think this would be a very appropriate last night. Even if it was probably one of the more fun nights.

I'll be there next week, and the week after I think. It's too much fun to miss, even when you're not really in the mood for it at first.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Irrevocable Step

I write this less than a minute after handing in my notice to Convergys. I've been looking forward to teaching in Japan for so long you'd think that I would be fairly confident in writing my letter, and in handing it in.

I certainly didn't expect to be so emotionally effected by it. It almost feels like a death, this feeling that something important is gone, and an uncertainty about what the future will be without it.

I have complained about my job any number of times to any number of people. It certainly has it's negative points, but I have to say that by far it was one of the best experience of my life.

I came to Taima at a very difficult time in my life, my student loan money had run out, and I was suffering from a 2 year long case of clinical depression. I didn't think I would be able to become a teacher because that required University, and I really didn't want to do anything else besides write. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my present, much less my future.

Within a couple weeks at Taima, before even finishing my training things had changed for me completely. I was working with computers in a way that I actually enjoyed, something that I can't say about my courses at Algonquin College. The people at Taima were friendly and I found we had a lot in commong. I guess it takes a certain kind of person to work this job.

Shortly after Convergys bought out Taima, I was transferred to the overnight shift. It was like finding a new home. The people, the work, the environment, everything about it fit me like a glove.

It has been like my home away from home for the past 4 years. Through my job here I've seen myself develop a level of confidence that nobody would have expected from me in the beginning, and I was surprised as well by the amount of satisfaction I enjoyed with my work.

I suppose that it's not very surprising then that I should feel like this now. I'm leaving a very comfortable home, for an uncertain future. I'm excited about the future, but this is another door I'm closing behind me.

This is also the first irrevocable step I've taken towards Japan. With my resignation from Convergys I no longer have even the option of remaining as I am.

James Boyce
Overnight Team Leader
S2CC4 - RR Residential

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hand of Fate?

It must be a surprise to my friends to see me posting this often, but I always told you guys that the only reason I didn't post before was because I had nothing going on at the time.

All right, so I hit another roadblock in my road to Japan today. The requirements for my travel visa say I need a letter from my doctor stating that I am in good health. I am in very good health, and I just had a complete physical with bloodwork done a few months back, so this shouldn't have been a problem.

Where did the problem happen? My doctor had a heart attack, and is now on medical leave so he can't sign the letter!!!!

It's starting to feel like I'm playing chess with fate here, and every time I think I've got the game beat he finds a way to put me in check again.

First it was waiting for the tickets, then it was the problems with my credit card which almost delayed the tickets, now it's my doctor suddenly falling ill.

When I first heard this I was pretty upset, I thought this time it was probably Checkmate. I'm thinking a little differently now, I've made it past the last several stupid hurdles that have been thrown up in front of me. Fate's getting desperate now, he's running out of options for stopping me. Hopefully this is the last obstacle, and once I get past this we'll see who has the last laugh.

Fates best moves so far:
- No doctor
- Tickets delayed
- No time to give notice to employer
- Forced to give less than 60 days notice on apartment
- Credit card inaccessable
- Rejected for loan

He's a tough one all right, but I think I've seen the last of his tricks now. I mean, what else could he possibly do? Right? Right!?!? *looking nervous*

Monday, February 02, 2004

A Voice From the Past

I've spent most of today cleaning up my apartment so that Jan can start showing it to prospective tennants. While sorting through all my old stuff to decide what to keep and what to throw out I came across an absolute gem. A computer diskette from the late 80s labelled "Diary Disk".

It's an old Double Density disk, they don't even make those anymore. I didn't expect the it to be readable by this point, it's been sitting in the same dusty box for about 7 years without being touched. Sure enough though, it worked.

I had a lot of fun re-reading it, and I decided to share some of the entries from it with you (I'll even leave in the typos and horrid grammar). Here goes:

January 11, 1991

Well this time its been two months and a day since I wrought.You may not believe this but I"v allready moved,heres how it hapened...
Jan.15 I got a call from Ottowa it was my dad he said he had
great news for mom!The houseing told my dad we got a house in Ottowa!We could move in January!We were all excited!But the next day we herd from dad again the army decided we could'nt wait that long sow then we got a moving date Dec.14 and we did we now live in a large house (16 Rigel rd) this house has a fire place and two bathrooms.
O.k another thing that happened was I got lost on my way two school.Heres how that hapened...
I was on my way to school (Jean Vaenier Cathic) when I got on the bus it was full no seats left becauseit was a city bus I had to stand but my friends who were showing me how to get to school got on the other bus witch was not a good idea. I didn't know where to get off so I ended up in downtown Ottowa! I thats no wheres near were I wanted to be.I ENDED UP TAKING A THREE HOUR TOUR OF OTTOWA.Well that just about sums it up!Oh bye the way be expecting a letter this summer.

I didnt have the guts to ask out Amanda.

MATURE JAMES WRITES: I still remember Amanda, I was absolutely obsessive about her back in those days. Though in my defense I was only 12 ;)

September 22 1991
HI It's been way to long since I wrought I have lived here for a long time and my mom is already back from her two month trip to Dallas witch she hadent even left on last time I wrought. Well I have a new friend named Becky she's nice and has the hots for me. Thats been happening alot lately but I'm still loyal to Amanda but if this keeps up I don't know how mutch longer I can be. Well bye bye

MATURE JAMES WRITES: Becky Garland was a girl that live near me on the base (CFB Rockcliffe). We met at a carnival on the base called Summerfest, and spent the entire day together. That night as I walked her home she told me she "liked" me, and I was so shy back then that I couldn't even speak in response. I ended up falling for her too 5 years later. She became my first girlfriend, and my first love.

It's cute to read some of the things I had to say about her when we first met, and how we originally got our pet names. I've always remembered the names, but I forgot how they came about until I read this journal. Incase you're curious my name was "Rover", and her's was "Fido". It started as a joke between us, but we still occasionally used those names for each other even after we started dating.

Some of the entries that followed were a lot more personal, and I can really see my personality changing as I read it. It's unique. There are names popping up all over the place in my journal that I haven't though of in years. I wonder what they are doing...

Shandra Nadarajah - My second love, and the obsession of my high school life. I talk about when I met her, in embarassing detail actually *laugh*

Erin Considine - A friend from CFB Rockcliffe that I used to hang out with a lot.

Robert Wojtowitz - One of my best friends in high school, another member of the little computer club we had there.

Steve Wong - My brother. Steve was another base brat, and we had just about everything in common. Including our interests in Shandra. He was the only one I ever met that had dedicated himself to the same lifestyle as myself (straight-edge, no alchohol, no sex), we adopted each other a few months after meeting, and he used to call my mother "Mommy #2". I haven't seen him in at least 6 years now, though I'm told by a mutual friend that he tried to track me down a couple years ago when he had a child. It's sad that I don't even know the I have a nephew? a neice?

Melody Arruda - One of my best friends of all time. We still exchange e-mail every now and then, usually about once a year. I'll have to make a point of seeing her before I leave the country.

Andrea Carrier - Another great friend from high school. I ran into her at a night club a few years ago and we still recognised each other. Big hugs all around.

I think I like my old diary a lot more than this one, or the one I had just a few years ago. The fact that it's so old makes it somehow more significant, because some of this may have been forgotten if I hadn't written it back then. A dusty box with an relic of a disk....what a great find!

Stupid Criminal

You hear about stupid criminals on the news sometimes, or every now and then when Jay Leno feels like mocking them. You generally assume that these people are uncommon though, afterall not every criminal can be a brain-dead moron...right?

I got a call from VISA this week telling me my credit card had been compromised, apparently they caught somebody else using my credit card number. So they had me go through all my transactions for the last 2 months with them. You know what we found? I've been paying for his Sympatico High Speed account for the past 2 months.

My first thought on the issue? What kind of moron steal a credit card number and uses it to pay for something that points to his house?!?!? Next time get me to buy you a laptop or something, at least they might not be able to trace that directly to your front door!

I don't care that he stole my credit card number and basically got me to supply his porn connection for 2 months. I'm just offended that if he was going to rip me off he wasn't more intelligent about it!!

It's bad enough being ripped off, but being ripped of by somebody that stupid makes me question my own intelligence.

- The tickets still haven't arrived, I want to kill the guy that is taking so long to send them. Doesn't he understand that it's getting kinda urgent?

- I gave notice on my apartment today. It's not the required 60 days though, so if they can't find somebody to take the apartment I'll have to pay an extra month of rent. I don't think that'll be a problem though, it's a bachelor apartment downtown....I had to wait forever to get it originally.