Thursday, February 05, 2004

Irrevocable Step

I write this less than a minute after handing in my notice to Convergys. I've been looking forward to teaching in Japan for so long you'd think that I would be fairly confident in writing my letter, and in handing it in.

I certainly didn't expect to be so emotionally effected by it. It almost feels like a death, this feeling that something important is gone, and an uncertainty about what the future will be without it.

I have complained about my job any number of times to any number of people. It certainly has it's negative points, but I have to say that by far it was one of the best experience of my life.

I came to Taima at a very difficult time in my life, my student loan money had run out, and I was suffering from a 2 year long case of clinical depression. I didn't think I would be able to become a teacher because that required University, and I really didn't want to do anything else besides write. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my present, much less my future.

Within a couple weeks at Taima, before even finishing my training things had changed for me completely. I was working with computers in a way that I actually enjoyed, something that I can't say about my courses at Algonquin College. The people at Taima were friendly and I found we had a lot in commong. I guess it takes a certain kind of person to work this job.

Shortly after Convergys bought out Taima, I was transferred to the overnight shift. It was like finding a new home. The people, the work, the environment, everything about it fit me like a glove.

It has been like my home away from home for the past 4 years. Through my job here I've seen myself develop a level of confidence that nobody would have expected from me in the beginning, and I was surprised as well by the amount of satisfaction I enjoyed with my work.

I suppose that it's not very surprising then that I should feel like this now. I'm leaving a very comfortable home, for an uncertain future. I'm excited about the future, but this is another door I'm closing behind me.

This is also the first irrevocable step I've taken towards Japan. With my resignation from Convergys I no longer have even the option of remaining as I am.

James Boyce
Overnight Team Leader
S2CC4 - RR Residential