Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Leave Taking

And so it begins. I am currently seated aboard the first of the three flights which will eventually bring me to my new home in Japan.

The last couple of days have ben very hectic, and emotional. Last minute disasters, goodbyes, moving, and a host of other issues that all had to be crushed in at once.

My suggestion to anyone else planning to do this is to make sure everything is taken care of at least a week before you leave. It's difficult enough getting prepared withot waiting.

I spent last night at Lisa's house with her and Renuka. It was our second farewell get-together, and I still wish we could have had third. We didn't really discuss my departure much that night, which was good. It was better to just spend time together, build a couple new memories to hold onto until we're together again.

I said goodbye to my family as well this week. I will miss them horribly, but I think I'll miss my friends more. The blood of my family flows through my veins, we are connected even if I'm on the other side of the planet. They are always with me.

Renuka and Lisa are a bit different though. My oldest friends, we've been close for many years, we never really agree on how many. I knew them when I was in High School though, so it's at least 7 years.

They have been there to hear about every major event in my life for a long time.

The same is true of Bryan, another of my closest friends.

I have invited most of my friends to visit me in Japan. Thre of them even said they might. Chris, Bryan, and Lisa. Though in truth I thinnk only Chris truly may. I can hope that they all will though.

My companion on my journey to Japan today is Michelle. She sists beside me now writing in a journal as well, and if our talks thus far are any indication we may have a great deal in common.

Michelle has experience with teaching overseas, a year spent in Korea. She seems to enjoy the idea of world travel a great deal. Apparently she found the expierence in Korea quite rewarding. It should also be noted that behind her, and to the left are children sharing our flight. Based on the way she keeps playing games with them I believe she's an excellent teacher. Maybe I can get some pointers.