Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hand of Fate?

It must be a surprise to my friends to see me posting this often, but I always told you guys that the only reason I didn't post before was because I had nothing going on at the time.

All right, so I hit another roadblock in my road to Japan today. The requirements for my travel visa say I need a letter from my doctor stating that I am in good health. I am in very good health, and I just had a complete physical with bloodwork done a few months back, so this shouldn't have been a problem.

Where did the problem happen? My doctor had a heart attack, and is now on medical leave so he can't sign the letter!!!!

It's starting to feel like I'm playing chess with fate here, and every time I think I've got the game beat he finds a way to put me in check again.

First it was waiting for the tickets, then it was the problems with my credit card which almost delayed the tickets, now it's my doctor suddenly falling ill.

When I first heard this I was pretty upset, I thought this time it was probably Checkmate. I'm thinking a little differently now, I've made it past the last several stupid hurdles that have been thrown up in front of me. Fate's getting desperate now, he's running out of options for stopping me. Hopefully this is the last obstacle, and once I get past this we'll see who has the last laugh.

Fates best moves so far:
- No doctor
- Tickets delayed
- No time to give notice to employer
- Forced to give less than 60 days notice on apartment
- Credit card inaccessable
- Rejected for loan

He's a tough one all right, but I think I've seen the last of his tricks now. I mean, what else could he possibly do? Right? Right!?!? *looking nervous*