Monday, February 09, 2004

Too Many Boys.

I thought of and discarded about a dozen journal entries as I walked home from Barrymores this evening. It was an interesting, and eventful night. Even sitting in front of my computer now I'm not certain which of my ideas will come out.

Let's start at the beginning shall we?

I didn't really feel like clubbing tonight, but I had spoken to Lisa earlier and she told me that her little group was going to be there. I decided that if it was a choice between sitting in front of this computer for the night, and hanging out at a night club with them, then Barrymores was likely more fun. After all, your computer can only beat you at the same game so many times before you start to wonder if it really is that much smarter than you.

I found Lisa and the others at Barrymores almost as soon as I arrived, though I didn't join them for the first half hour or so. They had a couple guys I didn't recognize with them, and I'm never big on meeting new guys.

I'm somewhat infamous for saying "men are scum", and until the last couple years I had trouble fitting in with them at all. My view has changed somewhat now, working in an environment where men outnumber women about 10 to 1 tends to force you to deal with men. Now I think it's only a certain type of guy that I despise, the ones I don't consider to actually be men.

To be a man.... Yes, it is more than an accident of birth and the growth of an awkward appendage. That just makes you male, being a man is about an attitude some males have that makes them distinct from the rest of the boys. I suppose my view amounts to sugar-coated chauvinism, but I can't escape feeling that some of the guys around me have no right to call themselves men. That's not to say they aren't wonderful people, there's nothing wrong with being a boy...just don't claim to be a man.

Anyway, the point is I get along well with men, but not with boys. If I don't know which I'm dealing with, I assume the worst and stay away.
Now back to Barrymores! Eventually I did visit Lisa's group, and talked to them for awhile off and on for the next few hours.

Once again I got hit on by a woman that was a little out of my age group, this one in her early thirties. I'm beginning to get concerned with this tendency to attract older drunk people. Is there a way to reject these women without actually physically running away? In both cases my apparent suitor physically grabbed me and forced me to dance. I'm physically stronger than they are of course, but jerking my arm out of their hand seemed like it would be cruel. I'm such a wimp.

After escaping from the swing-dancing woman on stage I fled back to the area where Lisa's friends were sitting. Apparently in my absence Lisa got flashed by a female bartender, Sam was pretty jealous.

I don't believe I've ever mentioned Tanya in this journal before, so I'd better give you a brief description so you'll understand the next part of the story.

Tanya is Sam's girlfriend, apparently they've known each other for a number of years. They make a pretty good couple from what I've seen, they seem to genuinely care about one another. It's hard to describe her personality exactly, since I've only ever seen her after she's had a fair amount to drink. I'll assume her personality drunk is similar to her sober personality though. If so then she's a very friendly and accepting person. The second time I met her (I don't remember the first, though apparently she does) she was getting hit on by some stranger. She looked like she was completely out of her element, the guy had a typical canary eating grin. She came over and talked to me, started asking me odd questions I can't quite recall, and told me to stop ignoring her when I looked away for a second to see if I could find Lisa and Sam. She had only met me once (on an occasion I didn't recall), but she was acting like we were good friends. I felt sorry for the guy who had been hitting on her, he was glaring at me like I stole the last slice of pizza.

The physical? She bears a disturbing resemblance to Rose McGowen. I'm not sure if she realizes that, though she should have noticed by now that she gets hit on at clubs more than most.

Anyway, the others went off to get something from the bar and I was left alone with Tanya. By this point she was drunk enough that she tipped over sideways and had her head resting on the shoulder of a perfect stranger. Once again I got to see that canary eating grin. He offered to buy her a drink, and when he went to the bar to get it I made of point of taking his seat. I got glared at again when he returned, but she got her drink anyway, and Sam was back by then too.

For those of you that read my old journal a few years back you'll be familiar with me referring to myself as a "guard dog". I really dislike it when guys are slimy-flirtatious with friends of mine, I tend to deliberately get in their way. Sam's friends vanished at one point, and then Sam went to dance on stage with Lisa. I hung out with Tanya from then on. She seemed to be getting progressively more drunk, even though she hadn't had anything since canary-boy gave her that last shot. I was vaguely worried that it might not have just been alcohol in that last drink. What can I say? I have next to no experience with alcohol, and an almost instinctive distrust of the male gender. Too many boys.

I stayed near Tanya for the rest of the night, bought her a bottle of water to try sobering her up, and walked them all back to the bus stop when they were going to head home.

Good night, Tanya. It was interesting getting to know you better. Don't forget to call Sam when you get home so he knows you're ok.

Good night, Lisa. Maybe I'll drop by your work in the morning to laugh at you ;)

Good night, Sam. I didn't know it was your birthday when I arrived, hopefully you had a good time. You're right, she definately needs to eat more than a banana muffin before clubbing *laugh*

It was a very interesting night. I had originally thought this might be my last trip to Barrymores before going to Japan, but I've been going to that club for 6 years, and I don't think this would be a very appropriate last night. Even if it was probably one of the more fun nights.

I'll be there next week, and the week after I think. It's too much fun to miss, even when you're not really in the mood for it at first.