Saturday, February 21, 2004

Fate is such a jerk!

Some have doubted my claims that Fate is out to get me when it comes to this whole Japan experiene. Today I have another example of Fate's petty attempts at stopping me.

About 2 hours ago the monitor on my computer died while I was in the middle of talking to Lisa about what I'm supposed to be doing for the 2 days between when I move the furniture out of my apartment, and when I catch my flight.

Lisa offered to let me stay at her place, and what happens next? The damned computer dies. So I don't know her address, and I can't call her because my phone list is in a notepad file on my paperweight of a computer.

Not only that, I'm supposed to be traveling with this girl named Michelle...we only have contact by e-mail currently, and I haven't had a chance to make any arrangements with her....and now I can't access my e-mail.

Now, none of this will prevent me from getting to Japan, but it's still pretty tricky on Fate's part. Petty bastard.