Thursday, February 12, 2004

Beware the Photo Sniper!

With less than 2 full weeks to go before I leave for Japan, it suddenly seems I have a lot that needs doing. So naturally it's a Friday afternoon and I won't be able to do any of it until Monday.

I visited the Japanese embassy today only to discover that their website is lacking about half the requirements for the Working Holiday Visa. So naturally I was not as prepared as I believed I was. Not really a very big problem though, as all the remaining requirements are easily obtained.

My mother gave me a CompactFlash memory card as a going away present yesterday, because I can use those to store MP3s and other fun things on my organizer while in Japan. This is a particularly wonderful gift because I won't have a computer in Japan, and I will be using my organizer as the unreasonable facsimile. I already had a 64 MB card for the organizer, and now I've got a 128 MB card as well.

I filled the new card with my typical J-Pop music, and some stories I downloaded of the Internet. The type of stuff I generally read and listen to here in Canada while thinking about Japan.

The older card is slightly different though, I'm slowly filling it with things that will remind me of Canada. MP3s from music they play at Barrymores, and a lot of pictures of friends. I was warned by others that teach abroad that I should bring something that reminds me of home to avoid homesickness.

On my way back from the embassy I walked past the book store Lisa now works in, and decided she would be the first victim of my photo-sniping. Lisa isn't really afraid of having her picture taken (I'm pretty sure she likes it actually), but some of my friends I'm not asking before I take my photos ;)

Beware to all those that know me! I know where you live, I know where you work, I know where you eat, sleep, and play...I will get you all eventually.