Thursday, April 03, 2008

Standing at the Crossroads Again

April 3, 2008 6:08 PM (London, Ontario)
Standing at the Crossroads Again
I am almost finished college. I will have my diploma in less than a month. With that I have to make some serious decisions. I'm only going to think about the first one though. That is to decide where I will live for the next year. I see three options:
1) Pembroke - Positives: I already have an apartment, and Pizza Pizza will ensure that I can continue to pay rent. I also have a few contacts in the ECE industry.
Negatives: I hate Pembroke, and I don't want to work at Pizza Pizza anymore. Also the ECE industry in Pembroke pays less than I'd get begging for money on the streets. I also have absolutely no social life in Pembroke, I was too busy with school and work to do anything else.
2) London - Positives: I have contacts here. I can stay with my father for free until I get settled. ECE teachers get paid much better here than they do in Pembroke, and I already have a few possible jobs lined up.
Negatives: I don't have any friends or social life here. My father lives here, but aside from that I have no roots in this place at all.
3) Ottawa -Positives: Friends, and family. I also know the city, and I like the city. Of all the places I could live in Ontario, this is where I would be most comfortable. Negatives: Absolutely no contacts in my field, I have no idea where to get a job. I have no apartment or job there, nor do I have any prospects for either. I'd essentially be homeless and unemployed for unknown amount of time.
So if anyone is still out there listening, I'm open to advice.