Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Grave Home

It's very quiet here now. I sit alone in my Ottawa apartment with nothing but the hum of my refridgerator to eleviate the sense of sensory deprivation.

My furnature is gone, my clothes and books gone, nothing of me will remain once Lisa and Renuka arrive to take me away.

What then will become of this place? My first apartment, it's odd to think that kid that came to see it earlier may take my place here.

Will he enjoy independence and freedom here for the first time as I did?

Much of my life in Ottawa is like this apartment now. Vacant, with no evidence of my passage other than the fading memories of my acquaitenes.

Speaking to my empty room, singing songs I do not remember the lyris to... It feels so alien here now. I wish Renuka would hurry up, I feel like my own ghost haunting this dead life.