Saturday, January 29, 2005

Time Warped Mind

Jan 29, 2005 11:38 PM (Shimodate)
Jan 29, 2005 9:38 AM (Ottawa)

There is a big party coming up with all the Peppy teachers in my area. Both the Japanese teachers, and the English speaking ones.

Apparently there is a tradition at parties like this to put on a little demonstration. The Japanese teachers are going to do a magic show, a hula dancing, and a skit. They were upset that the English speaking teachers had nothing planned to contribute.

Somehow this is where I came in. I had the random thought that it would be funny to teach the Japanese staff to dance to "Time Warp" from Rocky Horror Picture Show. So I stupidly mentioned the idea to Karla. She loved it.

So now I am going to teach all the English speaking teachers to do the Time Warp (10 Teachers) so that we can teach the Japanese staff at the party (40 teachers).

The end result?

50 teachers dancing the Time Warp in a restaurant in Japan... What was I thinking?

Japanese Pet-Peeve: They don't sell Kraft Dinner. Need I say more? How sad is THAT?

Oh Canada: I want to catch up on all the Smallville episodes I missed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Karla Arrives

January 26, 2005 11:15 PM (Tomobe)
January 26, 2005 9:15 AM (Ottawa)

I met Janine's replacement today, her name is Karla, and she is from Nova Scotia.

She has been with Peppy for a year, and worked for Nova before that. She said changing over was the best thing she ever did, but mostly because she loves kids.

At the Internet cafe I was looking for jobs again, and I found another one that interested me. So all hope is not lost.

Even if I go back to Canada it may not be for long. It will be even easier to find a new job with regular access to the net.

Maybe I should actually aim to return home for a month or so before I leave again.

At least I want to bring my computer with me wherever I go next.

Japanese Pet-Peeve: ATM machines are only open during certain hours, and are often closed on holidays. Why do machines need a break? Next they'll be unionizing!

Oh Canada* Loafs of bread are MUCH bigger in Canada, cheaper too. For someone addicted to sandwiches and toast, that is a real bonus.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


January 25, 2005 10:35 AM (Shimodate)
January 24, 2005 8:35 PM (Ottawa)

Apparently I really meant I would werite every second day.

I spent most of yesterday walking around with Jen. We called it exploring, but most of the time we were in areas we already knew quite well.

I bought another Hikaru no Go video game for my PS2. I love some of the discount stores they have here! Only 1000 Yen!

They have interesting names too, it is always Something-Off. The book store is Book-Off, the office supply store is Office-Off, and of course my favorite...the video game and hardware store, Hard-Off.

Businesses here should consult with English speakers before using English. We could prevent them from naming places "Hard-Off". I wonder what a discount Pornography store would be called...F-Off?

Japanese Pet-Peeve: They don't have clothes dryers! Drying clothes on the line outside is fine for hot-dry days, but when it is raining or cold outside? Come on!!

Oh Canada: I'm looking forward to being able to visit Barrymores again. I also need to convince Bryan to resume "Guy's Night Out". Hopefully whatever job I get will be compatible with those two goals.

Office Blues

Jan 25, 2005 4:02 PM (Mito)
Jan 25, 2005 2:02 AM (Ottawa)

I hate office days. They are the one thing about working for Peppy that I can't imagine missing.

Today I have to be in the office for 4 hours. I have been here for an hour and a half, and I finished the useful part of my work about an hour ago. I am adept at looking busy though, so at least I am not likely to get in trouble for the waste of time today is.

What little I have done is more than the other 2 people who were supposed to be here with me today have done. Neither showed up.

I have to a couple of things I would like to get done, but they require assistance from the Japanese staff here, and they look too busy to bother. Well, at least the one member of the staff that speaks English does.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Playing Go

January 23, 2005 9:00 PM (Shimodate)
January 23, 2005 7:00 AM (Ottawa)

First day and I broke my post-a-day rule! In my defense Jen has been visiting all week, and I have been distracted as a result.

I taught Jen how to play Go a long time ago, and she wanted to play again this week. She's improved a lot, but she says it is not a type of thinking that comes naturally.

This brings me to today's Japanese Pet Peeve!

Go is supposedly very popular here, but in a year of looking I have me no other players. The one Go Salon I found has absolutely no customers, and seems to be closed most of the time.

Canadian Perk O' The Day: I will get to see a dentist, doctor, and optometrist. I am past-due for all three.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Beginning of the End

January 21, 2005 2:34 PM (Shimodate)
January 21, 2005 12:34 AM (Ottawa)

On February 19 I will work my last day with Peppy Kids. Anyone who knows me here can tell you how upset I am at this prospect, but there is nothing I can do.

Leaving will be especially difficult because it means saying goodbye to Jen as well. Despite our previous determination to leave some things unsaid, I told her I loved her last week. We both say it constantly now, and whatever pain I might feel over having said it can't compare to how painful it would have been if I had never said it.

Anyway, in an effort to combat reverse culture shock I will be writing a journal entry every day until I leave. In each one I will give on think I miss about Canada, and one pet peeve about Japan.

Canada: I miss having constant access to the Internet.

Japan: Japanese homes have little or no insulation, they are hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. Inside your own home you should have the ability to regulate such things!