Friday, January 21, 2005

Beginning of the End

January 21, 2005 2:34 PM (Shimodate)
January 21, 2005 12:34 AM (Ottawa)

On February 19 I will work my last day with Peppy Kids. Anyone who knows me here can tell you how upset I am at this prospect, but there is nothing I can do.

Leaving will be especially difficult because it means saying goodbye to Jen as well. Despite our previous determination to leave some things unsaid, I told her I loved her last week. We both say it constantly now, and whatever pain I might feel over having said it can't compare to how painful it would have been if I had never said it.

Anyway, in an effort to combat reverse culture shock I will be writing a journal entry every day until I leave. In each one I will give on think I miss about Canada, and one pet peeve about Japan.

Canada: I miss having constant access to the Internet.

Japan: Japanese homes have little or no insulation, they are hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. Inside your own home you should have the ability to regulate such things!