Sunday, January 23, 2005

Playing Go

January 23, 2005 9:00 PM (Shimodate)
January 23, 2005 7:00 AM (Ottawa)

First day and I broke my post-a-day rule! In my defense Jen has been visiting all week, and I have been distracted as a result.

I taught Jen how to play Go a long time ago, and she wanted to play again this week. She's improved a lot, but she says it is not a type of thinking that comes naturally.

This brings me to today's Japanese Pet Peeve!

Go is supposedly very popular here, but in a year of looking I have me no other players. The one Go Salon I found has absolutely no customers, and seems to be closed most of the time.

Canadian Perk O' The Day: I will get to see a dentist, doctor, and optometrist. I am past-due for all three.