Friday, February 18, 2005

Dinner Out

Feb 18, 2005 4:24 PM (Mito)
Feb 18, 2005 2:24 AM (Ottawa)

I went out to dinner with 3 out of 4 of my Japanese teachers last night. We spent several hours swapping stories about students and former teachers.

It was great, they gave me chocolates as a going away gift, and a hand-drawn Dragonball Z picture. It's funny how everyone thinks that is my favorite show. I hate it. I just love the Dragonball Z shirt. It looks cool, and you can't tell the plot is moronic. Besides, the kids LOVE it.

Sawako, Hideko, and Shiho (my teachers) are worried that the next English teacher won't be as good as me.

I am torn. On the one hand I don't wand somebody bad teaching my students. On the other hand I don't like the idea that they might like the new teacher more than me. Petty? Yes, but honest.

Japanese Pet-Peeve: Overblown courtesy can get annoying. Loud greetings every time you walk into or out of any business place "Irasshaimase" (welcome) are tiresome.

Oh Canada: I am out of touch with most of my friends at the moment. It will be good to touch base with everyone again.