Friday, March 05, 2004

Little Old Men Rock.

March 5, 2004 2:40pm (Nagoya)
March 5, 2004 12:41am (Ottawa)

Three cheers for elderly Japanese men and women!
I'm at another Japanese school today. A different one than last time, and I almost didn't find it. The map provided for me was worse than useless for getting me from the bus stop to the actual building. It used wonderful landmarks that don't exist, and told me to take streets that were 90 degrees off what they drew on the map.
I got horribly lost, and wandered into a neat little area between apartment buildings. There I discovered a bunch of little old women and men gardening and watching the silly foreigner.
After I stood there staring at my cryptic map for maybe 5 minutes looking clearly confused one of them approached me.
I wish I got his name, it seems horribly rude after everything to leave him unacknowledged.
He got all the neighbourhood women involved in my plight, though none of them spoke a word of English.
They could understand even less of the map (it was their neighbourhood, but so badly drawn they had no idea).
After my 7 elderly Japanese saviours spent half an hour debating the map they finally figured out where I was. About 15-20 minutes from the school.
With a great deal of work they managed to explain where I needed to go, and I told them I understood.
The man spearheading this little rescue mission was not satisfied though, he walked with me the whole way. Smiling and talking to me because I could at least understand a little.
He showed me things along the way too. A beautiful Shinto Shrine, and the way back to my bus stop for later.
I thanked him frofusely in both Japanese and English, but it still feels inadequate.
I need to nominate him for Sainthood.