Wednesday, March 03, 2004

From the Classroom

March 3, 2004 2:45pm (Nagoya)
March 3, 2004 12:45am (Ottawa)

I'm laying on the floor in a classroom right now, smiling to myself over my surroundings as I write in the journal that Renuka gave me as my going-away gift.
Today I will be sitting in on an English class to see how they work. My assignment is to participate as a energetic student. I wonder if that will even be possible with the kids staring at me.
There isn't as much staring so far as I'd been warned of. Possibly because I'm still in Nagoya. This is a fairly big city, and "Gaijin"" are not so unusual.
I'm glad this isn't my final destination, it's a little too western for my taste. Though they do manage to make even American things seem like their own.
I visited an Internet Cafe a couple of days ago, and it abslutely revolutionized that tired western institution.
Manboo (pronounced Manbow) had little cubicles with leather couches, TV sets, computers, Playstation 2, and free drinks. The place was decadent in the extreme with 2 floors where every wall was covered with thousands of Manga you could borrow to read in your little booth. The connection speed was amazing, the computers almost brand new, meals served upon request, and all for only 380 Yen/hour (about $4 US). Actually it was 280 yen/hour for women, though I'm not sure why.
Unfortunately I was in a hurry so I didn't get a chance to send much e-mail or update more than a couple diary enteries. I'll go when I have more spare time later this week.
My Japanese is improving at a steady rate. I learned katakana in 3 days, and I'm getting more confident in using the vocabulary I do know. I haven't gained much in vocabulary so far, but I'm better at using what I already know.
Well, I better get ready for class. I hope everyone is doing fine. Come visit.

Classroom pics:
Picture 1

Picture 2