Saturday, March 13, 2004

Club J-Max

I spent last night at a night club, and to be honest I'm still not certain what my overall impression was.

It was the goodbye party for the members of my training group. 6 of us went together to a club called J-Max, it was very interesting. On the stages around the dance floor there were pairs of women in matching outfits dancing together, and leading everyone else. One set had bunny ears and frilly little skirts, one set hat skin-tight Budweiser beer mini-skirts, and one set was dressed up in pretty traditional Chinese clothes.

They waved their arms in unison and clapped to the music, and all the dancers mimicked them at key points during the songs. That aspect was a lot of fun.

Our group:
Sean - Nice guy, non-drinker, very funny.
Leisha - Quirky and cute, Michelle's roommate.
Michelle - My travel partner from Ottawa. Michelle is very outgoing and fun.
Cheryl - Cute 18 year old blonde. Her best friend is Ashley.
Ashley - Stunningly beautiful 18 year old brunette. Cheryl's best friend. I'm not certain what her heritage is, but her skin colour reminds me of Shandra, so maybe she's half black as well.

Now they say that white guys in Japan get a lot of attention from Asian women. This may be true elsewhere, but certainly not at J-Max. I doubt Sean or I spoke to anyone except each other and the girls we came with.

The girls with us were another matter. Every one of them got hit on constantly by the other white guys at the club. It was frightening how much the other foreigners were hunting. I spent most of my time in watching over the girls. I won't get too detailed about the evening, but one of the girls ended up bringing home some strange American guy from the club. I ended up having to hang around at her apartment until almost 5am because her friend/roommate was upset that a strange guy was apparently going to be spending the night one room an apartment where a paper thin sliding door is all that separates the rooms.

So yeah, I loved the club. I intend to go clubbing again sometime, but I'll make a point of not bringing any female friends with me. At least none that can't handle their drink more responsibly than she did.