Saturday, September 06, 2003

Apartmental Life

I found myself feeling a bit introspective today. Sitting alone in my apartment trying to think of something to do, I couldn't help noticing how much my life mirrors this room.

Generally my apartment is a disaster, it exists only to allow me to sleep between shifts at work. I don't do anything here except watch TV, play video games, and sleep. Amazingly pointless eh?

Occasionally something comes up that forces me to give the place a quick cleaning. Then for a day or so it's a completely different atmosphere. It's possible to have fun here, work on my drawing and writing, and maybe even get the occasional bit of excercise. It never lasts though, the illusion cleanliness is just that, and eventually things return to thier true form.

This is how it matches me.

I have potential, I have goals and dreams, it is possible for me to move forward. Generally I do not though, I do nothing but watch TV, play video games, and sleep until my next shift.

Every now and then something happens to give me a kick into action. Suddenly I'll be working towards those goals and dreams feverishly. Perhaps my determination is also an illusion though, because eventually I return to my standard state. Work, watch, sleep, work, watch, sleep. The secret is this; Nothing will ever change until cleaning stops being an illusion, and my apartment is on track for real.