Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Talking to Tanya

April 7, 2004 5:22pm (Shimodate)
April 7, 2004 4:22am (Ottawa)

I hit the Internet cafe again yesterday, and loaded up all the Instant Messenger programs as usual. Unfortunately Renuka wasn't on this time.

I did get to talk to Chris again though. Sometimes it's very convenient that most of my friends back home are night owls. I also had an interesting chat with Tanya on MSN.

Something feels like it's changing about these visits to the I-net. When I first got to Japan I would spend the entire trip thinking about what I would tell my friends when I saw them online.

This time I was disappointed that Lisa, Bryan, and Renuka were not on, but I didn't really have anything big in mind to discuss anyway.

I know interesting things still happen to me every day. They don't seem as big as they did when I first arrived though. The urge to talk about things here is still strong. I am just not convinced that they are as interesting to people back home as they are to me. I've had to listen to a lot of dull stories over the years, I'd hate to think I was telling them.

It was fun talking to Tanya, I've never spoken to her outside of Barrymores before. Add one more name to the list of people that say they might come to visit here.

One of you get on the bloody plane!!!!