Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Umbrellas and Courtesy

March 30, 2004 10:30pm (Shimodate)
March 30, 2004 8:30 am (Ottawa)


What is it with me and umbrellas? My training apartment came with one, but the only day it rained in Nagoya was the day I didn't bring it with me when I left in the morning.

I had to buy one at a convenience store. It was a really nice one, though the price made it somewhat less enjoyable.

When I packed for the move to Shimodate I left that umbrella in Nagoya. So of course it rained repeatedly my first week here.

My boss gave me a new umbrella, a cheap on from the 100 yen store. It was a lousy umbrella but I didn"t pay for it, and it kept me dry.

When I left for work today it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky. So I left my umbrella in the hotel room. Naturally it began to rain 15 mins after I left.

The rain got worse and worse as my classes progressed today, it was absolutely pouring when I finished. The regular Japanese teacher was there this time for parental observations, and she tried to give me her umbrella. She was walking home in the rain though, so I refused. She wouldn't take no for an answer though, she left it behind when she left.

She'll be back there teaching tomorrow though, and she'll find her umbrella there waiting for her. What kind of guy would be able to enjoy a dry walk when he knew a nice lady like that was getting soaked for his sake? Besides, I don't know when I'll see her again. This way I don"t have to worry about how to return her umbrella.

On the wet walk home I stopped off at Yoshinoya for a bowl of curry rice (an addiction of mine). A nice middle aged man complimented me on my use of chopsticks (hashi in Japanese). When I left he tried to give me his umbrella. Naturally I refused again.

I walked for 4 blocks and somebody tapped me on the shoulder from behind. Guess who I found when I turned around... The guy from Yoshinoya. His car was pulled over on the side of the road block or so behind me. He again gave me his umbrella, but this time I accepted. When a man chases you with a car to give you an umbrella, take it.

Sometimes being police and courteous can be taken too far. Walking in the rain without that Japanese teacher's umbrella was vaguely chivalrous...but more specifically stupid. Chasing me down with a car to give me an umbrella is very generous, but equally ludicrous.
Oh well, makes for an interesting story I guess.

Plus it's the best umbrella yet.