Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pizza Hell

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:27 AM

I just finished my first day of work at the pizza place. I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life. They didn't warn me that you can only touch the middle of the handle on the pizza oven door, so I burned my hand. My back is killing me, I think I have a blister on my foot. All to make less money in a full shift than I made before lunch at my old job.

I didn't even get breaks! I worked 7 hours today (a short shift) and had no breaks or lunch. I was told that we usually rest when there aren't any customers. It just never happened.

The bonus to my job is that I get free pizza. Apparently any pizza that the cook screws up (puts the wrong toppings on, etc) is free for the employees. I find it hard to believe that they actually made a policy that rewards incompetence. The more mistakes the cook makes, the more free pizza we get....what a company...yeash.

I'm not longer listening to anyone who complains about their job unless they work food service or retail. There is no way it could be worse.