Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thieving bastard!

August 20, 2006 3:50am (Pembroke)

So my second week selling Pizza is almost at an end. The bar rush is chaos every night, with yelling drunk people and oddly flirtatious girls who can't get it through their heads that prices don't change no matter how low their neckline. It's hectic during bar rush, but I actually enjoy it to an extent. With everything going on at once it just flies by, and the drunk people were more amusing than annoying.

Not so tonight.

Tonight I am pissed off. M.A.D.D gave us a charity mint thing, you put in 50 cents and you can have a chocolate mint. Tonight some jackass stole it. He/she stole all the money that had been put into it over the last month, and all the mints. Whoever it was did it while I was back in the kitchen getting somebody's pizza.

I can't believe somebody would be that pathetic. I can't believe none of the other customers(there was a constant line) ratted the thief out!

Does a drunk stealing charity from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers qualify as ironic? Or does he have to get hit by one of the idiots that watched him do it first?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pizza Hell

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:27 AM

I just finished my first day of work at the pizza place. I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life. They didn't warn me that you can only touch the middle of the handle on the pizza oven door, so I burned my hand. My back is killing me, I think I have a blister on my foot. All to make less money in a full shift than I made before lunch at my old job.

I didn't even get breaks! I worked 7 hours today (a short shift) and had no breaks or lunch. I was told that we usually rest when there aren't any customers. It just never happened.

The bonus to my job is that I get free pizza. Apparently any pizza that the cook screws up (puts the wrong toppings on, etc) is free for the employees. I find it hard to believe that they actually made a policy that rewards incompetence. The more mistakes the cook makes, the more free pizza we get....what a company...yeash.

I'm not longer listening to anyone who complains about their job unless they work food service or retail. There is no way it could be worse.