Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can you Help?

April 29, 2008 10:38pm (London)

Hello everyone,

My move to London did not go according to plan, and I need a bit of help. I'm going to give you a pretty abreviated version of what happened, you can get details from me the next time you see me or talk to me. We packed everything I own into an SUV to drive it to London, unfortunately we had a car accident on the way here.

The car ended up sinking into a swamp with my father and I inside. Fortunately the car had rolled for awhile before we went into the swamp, so the window on my side was mostly broken. When we went under I broke the rest of the window, and my father and I swam out. We are both fine. My right hand is a bit cut up, and I have some scratches on my head, but I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything.

I lost everything I own though. My laptop, my school stuff, all my books, every picture that wasn't on facebook already, etc.Unfortunately that's where I need to ask for help from my friends, I need to recover things.

What I need:
- Pictures (e-mail them to me, or tag me in facebook and I'll copy them that way).
- School things (any notes you may have in a computer format would be useful).
- Contact information (If I ever had your phone number, I don't now. (please e-mail it to me).

If you can think of anything else of mine that you have, or know any other way for me to regain any of what I've lost please let me know. It is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


April 19, 2008 8:29 PM (London)

Most of the decisions have been made. I was offered a job here in London, and I decided to accept it. It's only a part-time position with about 28 hours/week, but it is a way into the company so that I can get a full-time position when I get a chance. That would be my goal.
I will be moving to London on April 27th, hopefully without having any difficulties in getting rid of my apartment. I should have followed Lisa's advice before leaving Pembroke and gotten rid of the apartment then. I'd be set now.
I have already informed Pizza Pizza that I quit. I can't say that I will be sorry to avoid another steaming hot summer in a pizza kitchen.
I feel a bit bad about choosing the London option. Especially since it means that I probably won't see any of my friends for a long time. It was hard enough getting anyone to visit Pembroke (only Bryan made the trip), I can't even imagine anyone coming all the way to London.
I got a new cell phone with a 3 year contract on it, and something about that sounds good too. 3 years... not to long, not to short. In three years I'll still only be 32, that's not too old. So as it stands I'm taking my inspiration from my cell phone. I will plan to spend 3 years in London before I decide what to do next. By that point I'll have a decent amount of experience as an ECE, the industry will be wide open to me. I would be able to return to Ottawa and find a job fairly easiliy, or I would be able to get a contract in Japan again, or just about anything else.
3 years isn't bad to test out the life I will make here and see if it's where I want to be.
Sounds like a plan.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Standing at the Crossroads Again

April 3, 2008 6:08 PM (London, Ontario)
Standing at the Crossroads Again
I am almost finished college. I will have my diploma in less than a month. With that I have to make some serious decisions. I'm only going to think about the first one though. That is to decide where I will live for the next year. I see three options:
1) Pembroke - Positives: I already have an apartment, and Pizza Pizza will ensure that I can continue to pay rent. I also have a few contacts in the ECE industry.
Negatives: I hate Pembroke, and I don't want to work at Pizza Pizza anymore. Also the ECE industry in Pembroke pays less than I'd get begging for money on the streets. I also have absolutely no social life in Pembroke, I was too busy with school and work to do anything else.
2) London - Positives: I have contacts here. I can stay with my father for free until I get settled. ECE teachers get paid much better here than they do in Pembroke, and I already have a few possible jobs lined up.
Negatives: I don't have any friends or social life here. My father lives here, but aside from that I have no roots in this place at all.
3) Ottawa -Positives: Friends, and family. I also know the city, and I like the city. Of all the places I could live in Ontario, this is where I would be most comfortable. Negatives: Absolutely no contacts in my field, I have no idea where to get a job. I have no apartment or job there, nor do I have any prospects for either. I'd essentially be homeless and unemployed for unknown amount of time.
So if anyone is still out there listening, I'm open to advice.