Friday, December 15, 2006


Friday, December 15, 2006 2:24 AM (Pembroke)

So today was the last test for the semester, I went to
a night club with a group of 8 girls from my program
to celebrate. The night was going really well,
everyone was having fun....until I caught some @$$hole
with his his camera-phone up my friend's skirt. He
was dancing behind her so she couldn't tell what he
was doing.

After he got the picture up her skirt he tried to get
one of her face. I managed to get her attention and
mimed taking a picture, she figured out part of what I
meant and switched to dancing with another guy right

That's when I screwed up. I watched the new guy for a
minute or so to make sure he wasn't going to pull
anything, and the guy with the camera got lost in the

I explained to her what happened after she stopped
dancing, but she couldn't describe him either because
he was always behind her. Apparently the guy she
switched to after my warning was a friend of hers,
perfectly safe. I should have taken the first guy to
a bouncer right away.

I went to Pizza Pizza because most of the drunks go
there after the bars close, but he wasn't one of them.

In all honesty all the guy probably got was a picture
of a shadow, they were dancing, the lighting was bad,
and he couldn't have aimed...but I'm still pissed off
that he got away.

I heard about stuff like that, but I never thought I'd
see it. In Japan there is actually a law that states
camera phones must make a sound when a picture is
taken so that they can't do it covertly. I don't know
if we have that law, even if we did she wouldn't have
been able to hear anything in a nightclub.

Ok...done ranting...