Thursday, November 04, 2004

Roller Coasting

November 4, 2004 9:29 am (Tomobe)
November 3, 2004 7:29 pm (Ottawa)

It has been an emotional roller coaster for me recently.

I came close to getting my visa changed, and getting a promotion that would have had me living in a city much closer to Jen.

They told me I was eligible, then told me I wasn't, then told me I might be, then I was, then I wasn't.

The last couple changes went like this: The woman making the decision told me I was eligible and that she would come to interview me in 3 days. I was happy because she was supposed to be the final authority on things like that. I sent e-mail to Jen, Janine, and a couple others to tell them the good news. Ten minutes later she called again to say she just noticed I am leaving in 4 months, and she doesn't think I can fix my visa. So I am not eligible "Sorry for the confusion".

I got called 2 more times after this by people in her office who wanted to make sure someone had told me I was not eligible. I like rejection as much as anyone, but I think telling me once would have been sufficient.

I got a surprise yesterday from Tanya, she quite unexpectedly moved out.

I am staying with jen for a few days because I have to be in Mito most of the week, and commuting is much easier from here.

I was gone less than 48 hours when Tanya sent me an e-mail saying she was going to stay with Lisa. It was confusing.

Tanya and I seemed to be getting along pretty well, and She'd been with me for a little over 6 weeks. So I was a little hurt when she took off while I was away from home, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

This brings an end to my little room-mate adventure. Once again I live alone, and the apartment will seem too quiet for awhile. It was great having guests like that, anyone else care to visit?