Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Hello Future

For those of you that were concerned, I got my call back today regarding the teaching job I applied for in Japan.

I got the job!

At 5:56 PM this evening I received my call back, and got the best news I've heard in years.

Despite not having a university degree, I now have a teaching job in Japan. A dream come true.

Now it's all down to the grubby little details, and unfortunately one of those details may cause me some problems.

I need about $3000 in order to get there. I have no idea how to get it, and I only have a few months to try. If I can pull this off, I'll be living in Japan come the end of February, and working as of March 1st.

Goodbye Convergys, hello future.

Watashi wa ureshii desu.

Ja mata!